PD Dr. med. habil. Bastian Marquaß, specialist for orthopaedics and trauma surgery, sports medicine

PD Dr. med. habil. Marquaß is a specialist for orthopaedics and trauma surgery, speciality trauma surgery and sports medicine at the Gelenk-Klinik Gundelfingen orthopaedic centre. In the area of surgery PD Dr. med. habil. Marquaß is specialised in knee surgery, shoulder surgery and elbow surgery.
He is a fellow of the committee for cartilage therapy and meniscus procedures at the Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery (AGA).
Since 2014, PD. Dr. med. habil. Marquaß has been a don for orthopaedics and trauma surgery at the University of Leipzig.
The focus of scientific research of PD. Dr. med. habil. Marquaß is treating cartilage defects.
Medical Societies and Fellowships
- AGA Elbow Fellowship 2016
- Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery (AGA)
- Fellow of the AGA-Knee-Cartilage/Meniscus-Committee
- German. Trauma Surgery Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie - DGU)
- Scientific advisory board and reviewer at "Cytotherapy"
- Scientific advisory board and reviewer at "Journal of Orthopaedic Research
- Scientific advisory board and reviewer at "Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews"
- Scientific advisory board and reviewer at "Rheumatology: Current Research"
Experience and Medical Resume
- Since September 2017 Specialist for knee, shoulder and elbow surgery at Gelenk-Klinik Gundelfingen i. Br.
- Since June 2014 Habilitation in medicine on: “Regeneration of focal cartilage defects through autologous mesenchymal stem cells"
- Since March 2013 Senior Physician at the University of Leipzig Orthopaedics, Trauma and Plastic Surgery, Spine Center
- Since 2014 Don for trauma surgery at the University of Leipzig
- Since 2013 Additional title of sports medicine
- Since May 2011 Specialist in trauma surgery
- Since January 2009 Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
- Since June 2006 Doctorate at Ruhr Universität Bochum
- Since February 2002 Degree in human medicine from the University of Bochum
Special Experience in Sports Medicine
- 2004 International “Diploma of Mountaineering medicine”
- In 2005 Organised medical treatment and active care for athletes at the 2005 World Fencing Championship in Leipzig
- In 2006 Organised inpatient logistics and an on-call duty system including active player treatment as FIFA clinic at the 2006 World Cup
- In 2007 Organised medical treatment and active care for athletes at the 2007 World Archery Championships in Leipzig
- 2006-2008 2006-2008 Athletes care BBV Leipzig (1.Bundesliga)
- 2008-2017 Athletes care at DHFK Leipzig Handball (1. Bundesliga)
Scientific Publications
- B Marquass, P Hepp, T Engel, T Düsing, H Lill, C Josten (2007). The use of hamstrings in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients over forty years. A mid-term follow-up retrospective study.Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Nov;127(9):835-43.
- B Marquass, T Engel, P Hepp, JD Theopold, C Josten (2007). One- and two-stage procedure for revision after failure of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Nov-Dec;145(6):712-8
- B Marquass, JS Somerson, P Hepp, T Aigner, S Schwan, A Bader, C Josten, M Zscharnack, RM Schulz (2010). A novel MSC-seeded triphasic construct for the repair of osteochondral defects. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. Dec;28(12):1586-99
- M Zscharnack, P Hepp, R Richter, T Aigner, R Schulz, J Somerson, C Josten, A Bader, B Marquass (2010). Repair of Chronic Osteochondral Defects Using Predifferentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an Ovine Model. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Sep;38(9):1857-69
- B Marquass, R Schulz, P Hepp, M Zscharnack, T Aigner, S Schmidt, F Stein, R Richter, G Osterhoff, G Aust, C Josten, A Bader (2011). Matrix-associated implantation of predifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells versus articular chondrocytes: in vivo results of cartilage repair after 1 year. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Jul;39(7):1401-12
- B Marquass, T Mahn, T Engel, J Gossner, JD Theopold, N von Dercks, C Racynski, T Rose, C Josten, P Hepp (2012). Mittelfristige Ergebnisse einer longitudinalen Untersuchung zu Lebensqualität, klinischen und radiologischen Aspekten nach autologer osteochondraler Transplantation. Z. Orthop Unfallchirurgie 2012 Sep;150(4):360-7.
- B Marquass, E.Schiffner, J.Theopold, N. von Dercks, C. Josten, P. Hepp. (2012). Ipsilaterale Begleitverletzungen an der oberen Extremität und des Schultergürtels nach proximalen Humerusfrakturen. Eine unterschätzte Entität? Obere Extremität. Band 7 Heft 3.
- B Marquaß, N von Dercks, S Gassmann, JD Theopold, JK Fakler, P Hepp, C Josten (2013). Alter und Indikation zur Hüftendoprothese beeinflussen das Risiko einer periprothetischen femoralen Fraktur. OUP 2014; 10: 450–455
- B Marquass, T Engel, JD Theopold, N von Dercks, C Josten, P Hepp.(2013) Influence of graft size on joint laxity and clinical results in female and male patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon grafts. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica 2014 February;65(1):43-9
- M Tinius, S Klima, B Marquass, W Tinius, C Josten (2006). Salvage procedures after failed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty - an analysis of 116 revisions. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Jul-Aug;144(4):367-72.
- P Hepp, T Engel, B Marquass, T Aigner, C Josten, M Niederhagen (2007) Infiltration of the pes anserinus complex by an extraarticular diffuse-type giant cell tumor (D-TGCT). Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Feb;128(2):155-8
- P Hepp, J Theopold, T Engel, B Marquass, T Düsing, C Josten (2008) Lesser tuberosity avulsion in combination with multifragment fracture of the greater tuberosity : A rare entity at the proximal humerus. Unfallchirurg. Aug;111(8):628-31
- J Theopold , P Hepp, T Engel, B Marquaß, C Leihe, C Josten (2008) 3-Jahres Ergebnisse nach winkelstabiler Plattenosteosynthese am proximalen Humerus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung elektromyographischer Befunde. Obere Extremität. Dezember Volume 3, Number 4
- Hepp P, Osterhoff G, Engel T, Marquass B, Klink T, Josten C (2009) Biomechanical Evaluation of Knotless Anatomical Double-Layer Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair: A Comparative Ex Vivo Study. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Jul;37(7):1363-9
- P Hepp, T Engel, G Osterhoff, B Marquass, C Josten (2009) Knotless anatomic double-layer double-row rotator cuff repair: a novel technique re-establishing footprint and shape of full-thickness tears. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Aug;129(8):1031-6
- P Hepp, G Osterhoff, M Niederhagen, B Marquass, T Aigner, A Bader, C Josten, R Schulz (2009). Perilesional changes of focal osteochondral defects in an ovine model and their relevance to human osteochondral injuries. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery British. Aug;91-B(8):1110-1119
- C Josten, B Marquass, C Schwarz, A Verheyden (2010). Intramedullary nailing of proximal tibial fractures. Complications and risk factors. Unfallchirurg. Jan;113(1):21-8.
- J Galle, A Bader, P Hepp, W Grill, B Fuchs, JA Käs, A Krinner, B Marquass, K Müller, J Schiller, RM Schulz, M von Buttlar, E von der Burg, M Zscharnack, M Löffler (2010). Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Cartilage Repair: State of the Art and Methods to monitor Cell Growth, Differentiation and Cartilage Regeneration. Current Medical Chemistry.17(21):2274-91
- N Von Dercks, R Melz, P Hepp, B Marquass, J Theopold, C Josten (2011) Seasonal distribution of diagnoses and DRG in trauma surgery. Unfallchirurg. Nov;114(11):1029-34
- Hepp P, Klima S, von Dercks N, Marquass B, Jung H, Josten C. Total knee arthroplasty in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Z Orthop Unfall. 2012 Sep;150(4):374-80.
- Fakler JK, Hepp P, Marquaß B, von Dercks N, Josten C. Is distal femoral replacement an adequate therapeutic option after complex fractures of the distal femur? Z Orthop Unfall. 2013 Apr;151(2):173-9
- Hepp P, Theopold J, Jarvers JS, Marquaß B, von Dercks N, Josten C. Multiplanar reconstruction with mobile 3D image intensifier : Surgical treatment of proximal humerus fractures. Unfallchirurg 2014; 117(5): 437-444
- J Kuehle, P Angele, P Balcarek, M Eichinger, M Feucht, C Haasper, A Gohm, T Jung, H Lill, B Marquass, M Osti, R Rosenberger, G Salzmann, M Steinwachs, C Vogt, S Vogt, J Zeichen, P Niemeyer. Treatment of Osteochondral Fractures of the Knee: A Meta-Analysis of available scientific Evidence. Int Orthop. 2013 Dec;37(12):2385-94
- J Theopold, K Weihs, S Löffler, B Marquass, N von Dercks, C Josten, P Hepp. Image-free navigated coracoclavicular drilling for the repair of acromioclavicular joint dislocation: a cadaver study. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 05/2015. online-first
- B Marquass, P Hepp, JD Theopold, N von Dercks, TR Blattert, C Josten (2011) Osteoid Osteoma of the Proximal Fibula: An Uncommon Location with the Indication for Open Surgery. Case Reports in Orthopedics, vol. 2011, Article ID 324650. doi:10.1155/2011/324650
- H Siekmann, B Marquass, S Glasmacher, A Tiemann, C Josten (2006) Differentiated therapy in necrotizing fasciitis of three extremities. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete. May-Jun;144(3):338-42.
- C Josten, B Marquaß (2004). Lösungsmöglichkeiten nach fehlgeschlagener Osteosynthese – distaler Oberarm/proximaler Unterarm. OP-Journal 20:196-200
- B Marquaß, C Josten (2005). Alterstraumatologie - Frakturen des Ellenbogengelenkes. OP-Journal 21:134-142
- C Josten, B Marquaß (2005) Frakturen der proximalen Tibia, Marknagel vs. LISS. Trauma Berufskrankheit 7(Suppl 1): 45-50
- C Josten, B Marquaß (2006) Frakturen, Luxationen, Bandrupturen – Ellenbogen, Unterarm. Up2Date 5: 447-471
- B Marquaß, C. Josten (2008) Sportverletzungen am Ellenbogengelenk. OP-Journal 2 (24):150-157
- B Marquaß, C Josten (2010) Revisionsendoprothetik am Ellenbogengelenk. OP Journal 1(26): 8-12
- B Marquaß, C Josten (2010) Primäre Endoprothetik nach Trauma. Mehr als eine Alternative? – Wann braucht man die Radiuskopfprothese? Trauma und Berufskrankheit;12:18–23
- B Marquass, C Josten (2010). Acute and chronic instability of the elbow joint. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Dec;148(6):725-38
- B. Marquass, C. Josten (2012) Current management of elbow fractures and dislocations. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica 2012 February;63(1):33-44
- B Marquaß (2006) Stromunfall. S. 447-450. In „Notfälle nach Leitsymptomen“ Hrsg. P. Knuth, P. Sefrin, Deutscher Ärzte Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7691-0424-0
- B Marquaß, P Hepp, C Voigt (2006) Grundlagen. S. 1-14. In „Die proximale Humerusfraktur“ Hrsg. H. Lill, Thieme-Verlag. ISBN 9783131341914
- C Josten, P Hepp, B Marquaß (2010) Was gibt es Neues in der Chirurgie des Knies?. S. 371-387. In „Was gibt es Neues in der Chirurgie? Jahresband 2010. Berichte zur chirurgischen Fort- und Weiterbildung“. Hrsg. K Meßmer, J Jähne, P Neuhaus, ECOMed Verlag. ISBN 978-3-609-76985-1
- B. Marquaß, C. Josten. „Monteggia-Verletzungen“. Marzi/Pohlemann, „Spezielle Unfallchirurgie“ im Druck 2015