Patella (Knee Cap) Surgery - modern treatment options for stabilizing the Knee Cap

Surgical treatment of patella dislocation
- MEdial tightening of the MPFL (Insall surgery)
- Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL)
- Medialization of the tibial tuberosity (Blauth surgery)
- Reshaping of the patella gliding groove (Trochleoplastie)
- Osteotomy
If there are no significant malaligments of the knee cap (patella deformity) the knee cap can be stabilized by treating the ligaments which hold the knee cap in place.
The inner ligaments, particularly the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL), have key role in stabilizing the patella. In some cases, only a slight tightening of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is all that is required to stabilize the patella.
Another advantage of these surgical methods is the reduction in pressure on the patella cartilage. The likelyhood of a cartilage damage, especially at the outer part of the patella, is minimised.
If the attachment of the patellar tendon (tibial tibiae) is too far to the outside, this may cause patella dislocation to the oustide. In this case both a bone procedure combined with a soft tissue procedure can provide the necessary correction.
If the leg axis is deviating, this may also be a cause for patella instability. In this case an Osteotomy (bone correction of the leg axis), might be required to permanently stabilize the patella.