Mr. J. I. (68), USA, knee patient: "I feel like I’ve been given a new, natural knee."
Surgeon: PD Dr. med. Bastian Marquaß, Orthopaedic Consultant and Trauma Surgeon
Date of surgery: January 2025
Thank you for your translations and participation with my communications and questions with surgery and anesthesia. Your presence and orthopedic knowledge was a key factor which contributed to my positive surgical experience at Gelenk-Klinik.
I’m doing very well. Walking without pain or restrictions. I feel like I’ve been given a new, natural knee. I’m also pleased to discover the advantages of the Smith+Nephew prosthetic selected by Dr Marquass, and the precision with which he performed in its arthroplasty.
Another positive insight I experienced was the use of the EEG by anesthesia at the Gelenk-Klinik. I believe that it minimizes the required amount of general anesthesia required during the procedure; and I was pleased to see this. It is a protocol rarely used by anesthesia in the USA.