Oxygen Supply as a therapeutic modality in ZRT®-Matrix-Therapy
Oxygen Supply defines the level of energy: O2 as an important aspect of cell regulation.
All human cells must constantly be supplied with sufficient oxygen (O2). This is a fundamental prerequisite for the formation energy of within cells, on which all life processes and functions depend. At rest through breathing, we take in approximately 250 ml of oxygen per minute.
At walk the oxygen intake is doubled to approximately 500 ml per minute. While jogging we take in 2,000 ml of oxygen per minute (eight times as much oxygen as at rest).
The simplest form of oxygen therapy is therefore any physical movement. This should take place (as far as possible) in a natural (outdoor) environment. The type of movement, the intensity and the duration should be agreed with a doctor on an individual basis.
To treat specific symptoms or diseases, additional inhaled oxygen may be used. This treatment is partly based on the practice of medical oxygen therapy by Prof. von Ardenne. During this treatment of oxygen inhalation, an increased level of oxygen concentration is achieved in the blood.
Through this treatment, tissue or cells which may have been lacking oxygen as a result of damage, may have their oxygen levels increased. Regeneration and healing at the cellular level will therefore be possible once again. Consultation with an expert is essential when oxygen is used as a 'drug' in this way.